May 13, 2021


My attention turned to another project for a bit, and I've ignored daystream in the process. Sorry about that.

post published in /2021/05/13

So we're going out to dinner tonight. With friends. Feels crazy. But good.

post published in /2021/05/13

I just googled "Ohio vaccine lottery." Strange times indeed.

post published in /2021/05/13
Daystream founder and dev
Featured Journals
  • January 15, 2024


    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

  • January 15, 2024


    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

  • January 15, 2024


    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

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