This week

All Journals
Fenway Park under Fair Sun (8:7100)
Sunset Flying (2:2000)
Palm Tree Reflections and Turtle Rehab (4:4000)
Sailfish Bingo (6:6000)
Detail Breakers (7:7000)
Multi-Engine Underway (14:14000)
No parking on Electric Avenue (3:3000)
From Spiegel to The Alchemist, Toledo to MIT (4:4000)
Now Arriving - Empty Nest (4:3100)
Debby's Pitching Experiment (4:2200)
Taillight Problem Solvers (2:2000)
Spitfires and S'mores in Smell-O-Vision (5:4100)
Biden's Falcon Defection (5:1220)
Tuning in Stereo (2:1100)
Nearly Reverse Cycle Ridiculousness (4:3100)
She's a Rainbow (4:4000)
Downpour Copilot (6:4200)
It's the hugs, man (2:0200)
Sey Hey Rip (5:1310)
King McDonald Learns (3:0120)
The Rolling Stones at Cleveland Browns Stadium (7:6100)
Stones Approach (3:3000)
Lockjaw Picking (3:2010)
S'more Chestnut, Less Cybertruck please (7:2230)
Last Minute Kirkja (9:8010)
Spitfire III, the Second (5:1220)
No News is Bad News - Lifetime Ban (5:0050)
Negative Earth Reminder (5:4100)
Toledo's Beautiful Loser (4:1300)
Reflectin' (2:0200)
Running from the sunrise and chasing the sunset (6:4110)
Movin' Out (Jonathan's Song) (4:4000)
Graduation Day is Finally Here (10:10000)
Harvard Class Day 2024 (2:2000)
Veritates - Harvard Baccalaureate 2024 (8:7100)
Impeccable Stage Coach Timing (7:3310)
Salted Walleye (4:4000)
Focused Old Man Substitute (2:0020)
Encampment Opinion Era (5:0140)
My pool opening journey (6:2130)
Spitfire Evolution (3:1020)
Tsingtao Glasses (2:0200)
Dune again, soon (2:0200)
Expired ramen technorati (2:0020)
Progressive Office Glasses (3:1200)
Goodbye Tree (3:1110)
Totality (3:1110)
Back at it (2:0200)
Free Willie (1:0100)
Castaway East and West (2:2000)
A Day at Sea with Donald Duck (2:2000)
Old San Juan is the one (15:15000)
More French than Dutch (8:8000)
Unscheduled Turk Bourbon (5:5000)
Ratatouille At Sea (7:7000)
Akron and Back Again (3:1200)
Senior Moving Moment (6:4020)
First Collegiate Flight (1:1000)
Two Tesla Gem (6:5010)
Last Vacay Day (9:6300)
Bunts to start, homer to end (10:8200)
Larry's Bel Air Beauty (13:11200)
Laid Back Gene Shalit (15:11130)
Y Test Drive and Sunset Pi (13:7420)
Red Baron Spitfire (3:2100)
Spitfire Graduation (4:4000)
Family S'mores (3:2100)
Remplaced with Pineapple (5:4100)
Moving Day (1:1000)
Tijuana Bagpipes and Butterflies (2:2000)
Dinner Lobby Jazz (3:2100)
SPB to Pburg (1:0100)
Plane Spotting at The Pier (8:7100)
The Clown Show Continuation (4:1210)
Sunset Guac (4:4000)
Ten for Breakfast (6:4110)
No fooling (6:2130)
Waiting on a Friend (3:0030)
Opening Day Split (8:4220)
AI M*A*S*H up and The Pier (5:3110)
Screening Screen Repair (3:1200)
Majority Held (6:3210)
Private Pilot Official (7:5200)
Ah, the oh-so-reliable Lions (2:1100)
All flying, but no flying (3:1200)
Post Move Math and Baseball (7:6010)
Rain Inflation Indicators (4:3100)
Shared Pesto Fest (15:15000)
Lightning again (1:1000)
Planes and Pancakes (1:1000)
Old-Fashioned Lightning (5:5000)
Rays out of Plane (5:4010)
The Speaker Has Landed (3:2010)
All for the Gram (5:5000)
Thunder Over Michigan 2022 (13:13000)
Homeward Bound (6:5100)
Roeing Backwards (1:0010)
Smoked Rays (6:3210)
Taco Tuesday Trash Walk (7:7000)
Electric St. Pete Beach (6:5100)
Memorial Day 2022 (3:2100)
No Dune for You, Maverick (4:3100)
Walleye Clinch Mulch Mountain (4:1300)
Under sinus pressure (5:0230)
Planes, Trains, and Car Talk (3:1110)
Think we should get into this? (6:6000)
Canada on the Left (8:6110)
The Easter Tax (2:1010)
Mahalo nui loa (2:2000)
Definitely a Moderate Hike (2:2000)
So long, Maui (5:4010)
Snorkle Meow Meow (1:1000)
Maui Monchong on Renee's 49th (6:6000)
Two Fingers and Legroom for Days (5:3200)
Hawaiian Delay (2:1100)
14G -> FBC -> EDJ -> OSU -> 14G (1:1000)
Technique Beats Strength (3:1200)
Modern Government Cheese (5:3110)
Return trip (1:1000)
52 Pickup (1:1000)
Binax Christmas Leftovers (1:1000)
Quality Terminal Time (3:2010)
Early Morning Airport Mission (2:2000)
Infrastructure Day (1:0010)
First Snow (4:0220)
Rainy Return (1:0100)
Smoked Fish for One (2:1001)
East on 75 South, West on 75 North (4:4000)
Cambridge Half (3:2100)
Harvard Fogg (9:9000)
Harvard Handshake (9:8010)
Boosted (6:2220)
Sunrise Split (5:0140)
Truth, filtered and downcased (5:0320)
Mickey Mouse Run (2:1010)
Gondola Goings (3:2100)
Food and Wine at Epcot (9:8010)
Return to Flight (4:2110)
Kraken Released (4:1120)
Still The Goat (7:1240)
Fully covered (8:2330)
PCL Activate! (8:3500)
An All Day Soaker (4:0220)
Our Deadliest Pandemic (5:1130)
24 for Us (6:2040)
Jake's first long cross country (5:5000)
Skymaster fly-in (2:1100)
It's not a sonic boom (8:6110)
First Time in Front (12:10200)
Heading home eve (6:4200)
Ninety Nine Cent Florida (5:5000)
Pool Solo (1:1000)
Bonanza financing (2:2000)
No Cold Ass Beer (6:4200)
Hear No See No (5:3200)
No Black Cherry (5:3200)
It was a one in a million shot (2:1100)
Obedience grad (2:2000)
First job first day (3:2100)
Guitar start (5:5000)
Rainy obedience (2:2000)
Learning to Fly (10:7120)
Teddy Discharged! (5:3200)
One Sick Puppy (3:1020)
On the jack (1:1000)
A traditional lunch (1:1000)
I went back to Ohio (1:1000)
Last minute details (7:6100)
Perfection (2:2000)
Remembering the Aquatarium (8:4130)
Permanent Reference (8:8000)
and still the sun set (3:2100)
Breakfast Jet and a Pup Cup Dessert (4:3100)
HoJoNoMo (6:5010)
Teddy Tacos (2:2000)
Wish you were here (3:3000)
Closed for Rapair (6:5100)
Welcome to Florida (4:3100)
Crumpling Paper and Hanging Art (5:1130)
Rogue Hockey Horn (5:0230)
The day the vaccine glut arrived (2:1100)
Stranger Pattern Alignment (3:1200)
The Blue Line of Figure 2 (4:2200)
Second Dose Meat Mountain (5:4100)
Saturn is my rotary (4:0130)
It's all jetsam, unless it's flotsam (5:0140)
Space Force Dolly (8:1160)
Washed Up Culver's (4:2110)
The Big Melt (5:1040)
Empty Amazon Box (4:2110)
Mount Ohio (2:1100)
Bird Nest Radio (6:3111)
Sundogs over Maumee (6:2121)
Roving Mars, Again (11:1280)
Teddy loses a tooth (6:2130)
Digging out (5:3200)
Snowmageddon 2021 (7:1330)
Sketchy Milk Valentine (8:4310)
Shirt tail display (1:0010)
Red Wings Return (3:0210)
Monday Morning QB (2:0110)
Browns in, Georgia Out (4:1210)
Unexpected Buckeye Blowout (1:0010)
Solo Sixteen (3:2100)
VA day v.2 (3:0030)
No coup; yes EUA (4:0130)
Teddy's first vet visit (6:2220)
Trump's a Laffer (3:0120)
Missing Donut Council (5:2030)
Official Teddy (3:1200)
Thanksgiving, 2020 style (5:3200)
Puppy Pickup (4:3010)
Heading home (1:1000)
Pinocchio's McSunset (5:4010)
Little River Sunset (8:5120)
first snow new fridge (5:0320)
ninety five percent (3:1020)
Riverside Puppy Prep (5:4100)
Newfound Night Vision (1:1000)
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign (2:2000)
That Lucy Look (2:1100)
Where you at Rock, where you at? (2:2000)
Two Threes (2:1100)
Seeing the Bright Side (2:0011)
Do I Do (1:1000)
Red again, kitty kitty (3:2100)
In and Out (2:2000)
Revered (2:1100)
Flyby Thanksgiving Trial (5:4100)
Grounded Indivisibility (4:0301)
A New Side (1:0100)
The Unmasking (4:2020)
Driving Rain (4:3100)
The Underlings take the stage (10:10000)
Garage Band (3:3000)
Headed to Fargo (2:1100)
Last Chance (1:1000)
Snake River Ketchup (2:2000)
Snowmageddon 2011 (1:1000)

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