Good morning! Up and at it!
September 19, 2021
post published in /2021/09/19

Through I would grab a few quick hours of fishing while Jake was at work. And I did. But, it was probably the worst fishing I've ever had at Rockwell! Not even a single bite. I'm probably not renewing my membership next year, either. I certainly can't end on this performance. I'll be back.
photo published in /2021/09/19

Well, this is probably a sign that my decision to "switch enthusiasms," from fishing to aviation, is sound. Horrible day of fishing today, and I checked the sky every time I heard a plane fly overhead. And I was quite excited with this King Air flew over...can't wait to tell Jake.
photo published in /2021/09/19
Great game between the Ravens and Chiefs on Sunday night football. The NFL season, just two weeks old, has already been compelling.
post published in /2021/09/19

Daystream founder and dev