March 23, 2022


Maui Monchong on Renee's 49th

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The Aloha spirit is everywhere out here. This is the men's room sign at our gate in the Honolulu airport. I love it.

photo published in /2022/03/23
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We're island hopping today, flying this Boeing 717 from Honolulu to Maui. It's about a 22 minute flight—truly up and down.

photo published in /2022/03/23
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Jake's chilling like a boss (and looking like a king) in the chair in our VRBO.

photo published in /2022/03/23
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Atmosphere, people, food, and drink—dinner tonight hit the mark in every category. Without even a hint of exaggeration, our dinner at Lahaina Grill tonight was one of the best meals I've ever had. Maybe even the best ever. I had the Monchong, btw, which was phenomenal. And two Macallan 15's.

photo published in /2022/03/23
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After that amazing dinner we came back to our place and celebrated Renee's 49th birthday.

photo published in /2022/03/23
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