June 5, 2022


One of the things I struggle with on Daystream is the difference between a post and an article. The main distinction is that an article has a title and a post doesn't. It's somewhat more extensive than that (different editors, articles have a special isolated view, etc.), but, conceptually, not much more.

Inclusion of both types of entries has been intentional from the beginning, but, to this day, I struggle with choosing the best bucket for a particular entry at the time of writing it. I make a choice in the moment and the content sits in that bucket forevermore. This in-the-moment decision is largely based on the expected length I have for a particular piece of content when I start writing it. Pretty short? Make it a post. Longer? Make it an article.

I suppose that framework works ok, but it certainly breaks down from time to time. For example, this morning I was looking back on this post on the ways in which travel has changed in recent years. It might be one of my favorite things I've written on Daystream. But, reading it today, I couldn't help but think that it should have been an article. It's somewhat long and certainly lends itself to a title.

At a minimum, I need to add functionality for switching a post to an article. I added that to the todo list right after re-reading that post this morning.

This, by the way, is a post and should remain one. I think.

post published in /2022/06/05
Daystream founder and dev
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