August 20, 2022


Shared Pesto Fest

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PestoFest with Renee and my mom and dad today at the CSA farm. I wasn't planning on going, but decided to at the last minute, and was glad I did.

Here we're just getting underway, setting up our stations and unpacking our supplies.

photo published in /2022/08/20
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The farmer's dog Harley checked us out and followed us around a bit. Beautiful and sweet dog!

photo published in /2022/08/20
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We started in the field, picking basil right from the plants in the ground.

photo published in /2022/08/20
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Renee, dad, and mom prepping basil, separating leaves from stems and stalks. We had plenty!

photo published in /2022/08/20
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Renee washed the basil leaves after separating them from the stems and stalks.

photo published in /2022/08/20
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Renee prepped a second batch of basil while waiting for mom.

photo published in /2022/08/20
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After washing the basil, we were ready to start prepping the other ingredients—nuts, lemon (zest and juice), cheese, salt, and garlic.

photo published in /2022/08/20
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Renee checking the recipe before getting underway.

photo published in /2022/08/20
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The pesto prep team—me, Renee, mom, and dad.

photo published in /2022/08/20
Daystream founder and dev
About today's feature image

I slipped away for a brief moment to capture this view of the farm and this beautiful sky. It turned on us later as we bolted out of the barn after cleaning up to narrowly avoid an approaching thunderstorm.

(Shared Legacy Farm, Elmore, Ohio)
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