April 5, 2023


Plane Spotting at The Pier

Jake and I went to The Pier in St. Pete this morning for some plane spotting. What a great time! We got some great photos...will post some here later today.

post published in /2023/04/05
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I took this from our first stop, right outside of Doc Ford's at the base of The Pier. It might be my favorite of the day. Jake and I sat in a couple of Adirondack chairs right on the water, shooting right from the chairs. A perfect spot!

photo published in /2023/04/05
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Once out on The Pier, we were able to look back toward downtown St. Petersburg and catch some planes as they approached the waterside runway.

photo published in /2023/04/05
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I found a great spot for framing planes with the palm trees and the angles of the building on The Pier. Unfortunately, I only had my iPhone, so I couldn't get the tighter shot I wanted, but the phone did a decent job with it, even though the plane is tiny in the images.

photo published in /2023/04/05
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