May 24, 2024


Movin' Out (Jonathan's Song)

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Today is bittersweet as we move Jonathan out of Leverett House, and out of Harvard. It's a beautiful day, of course, one day after the torrential rain that drove yesterday's House ceremony indoors.

photo published in /2024/05/24
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Leverett has been a great Harvard home for Jonathan these last three years. Nice place, too. We've enjoyed visiting and will miss it!

photo published in /2024/05/24
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Jonathan filled out his closing paperwork while Renee and I gathered up the last load. And with that...we're out of here. So long, Leverett!

photo published in /2024/05/24
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We took Jonathan's bike to a friend's house for summer storage. I noticed this while waiting in the driveway. Someone must have forgotten about this casserole dish one night when they were grilling dinner. Kind of a funny sight.

photo published in /2024/05/24
Daystream founder and dev
About today's feature image

Jonathan left his dorm chalkboards behind, a fitting symbol of the ending of a chapter for him, and the beginning of a new one. Math is the constant.

(Leverett House, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts)
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