We're one step closer to getting the new Spitfire – booked the transport order today. It could take up to five weeks to arrive, so now we wait.
June 10, 2024
Scripting News: Monday, June 10, 2024 (scripting.com)
I love RSS, but I've never seen a single non-geek use it. I remember trying, on several occasions, to try to get my wife to use it, years ago. I tried to show her the efficiency of using an RSS reader. She really had no interest though, because, for her, the browser is just easier. Slower and less efficient, but easier. It's hard to get past that and I think that's why it's become the ham radio of the internet - a great technology that is beloved by a small population of enthusiasts, but ignored by the wider population of users.
I still love it, still use it to read the web, and have incorporated it into Daystream from the beginning. I have some ideas for additional RSS-based features, too.