July 21, 2024


Biden's Falcon Defection

Biden dropped out today. Opinions differ, of course, but I think this was the right thing for him to do. Maybe someday we'll have a President that is capable of serving to age 86, but Joe is not that President.

Now onto the hard and messy work of picking a nominee.

For 2028.

post published in /2024/07/21
Responsive image

Renee and I went to a great car show today with Jake. He called Denny after we walked through all the cars and asked him to come, so he did and we went through everything a second time! I really liked this Ford Falcon. It reminded me of my great-grandmother's Falcon. She died before I was able to drive, so I never drove that car, but I do remember riding in it. I have no idea what happened to it. Could be this one. Maybe.

photo published in /2024/07/21

This is a great story of a 40-year restoration of a 1964 Porsche 356 (Wall Street Journal - probably paywalled). The car owner is 87 years old and finally got the car back on the road. He had to teach himself a lot of the skills needed to complete the restoration, which I find inspirational. I'm 54 and the Spitfire is already in great shape, but I'm going to think of Bill Romano and his Porsche 356 every time I get frustrated with a project on the car. Thinking of his 40-year effort should get me through anything! Thanks Bill!

post published in /2024/07/21
Daystream founder and dev
About today's feature image

I'm not really a Corvette guy, but they had a couple of really nice ones at the show today. This is from a beautiful 1965.

(Maumee, Ohio)
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