Morning coffee and reading, occasionally interrupted by email and chat and all of that.
September 30, 2024
Sailfish Bingo
Morning coffee and reading, occasionally interrupted by email and chat and all of that.
We've got a stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean and the ship and boat traffic coming in and out of Palm Beach. I didn't realize it was such an active port.
Poolside Bingo. Not a winner.
We're loving the Mariott result in Palm Beach Shores. Our only complaint is the lack of (nice) restaurants in the area. We found one tonight that is literally around the corner - Sailfish Marina Resort. Great food, and spectacular view.
We went to dinner a bit early, finishing probably a half an hour before the sunset. We walked around the marina a bit after dinner, biding our time until sunset, which turned out to be perfect.
Sunset and boats.
Stickers on an electrical box at the Sailfish Marina in Palm Beach Shores, Florida
(Palm Beach Shores, Florida)