We found a nice little cafe for dinner tonight — The Hurricane Cafe. I love their logo. Palm trees in high winds (including hurricanes) fascinate me. They normally appear so delicate, a single upright trunk with a bulb of leaves at the top. An odd structure for a tree, really. But watch a palm tree in a windy storm and you'll appreciate the genius of this simplicity. The fronds fold back and the trunk flexes and bends but rarely seems to break. It's quite amazing.
The image of a palm tree in a hurricane has become somewhat of a symbol of the power of life to me. Hurricanes are probably one of the most powerful destructive forces we have on earth. Palm trees almost seem to enjoy the challenge.
They don't always win, of course, but their simple design is quite effective at giving them a fighting chance.
Food was good, too. Renee had a salad and I had sweet potato encrusted grouper. And key lime pie.