October 5, 2024


Sunset Flying

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Jake had a flight slot in the evening, so Renee and I headed down to watch. The sky was amazing, switching between yellow, orange, and purple as the sun set. I worked on getting my shutter speed right, trying not to freeze the props in shots of the plane. It's tricky, particularly when the light is changing with every shot. I snapped about 600 photos over the course of an hour. About 100 of those were usable. I liked maybe five of them, with this one being my favorite. Props look good, motion is evident while the plane is in focus, and there's a clear shot of can Jake looking ahead as they takeoff. Love it.

photo published in /2024/10/05
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This scene really captures the beauty of the entire evening. Jake is waiting to turn onto the runway for takeoff while a beautiful crescent moon hangs above the airport and flight center. What a perfect evening.

photo published in /2024/10/05
Daystream founder and dev
About today's feature image

Jake approaches Wood County Airport at Bowling Green State University in a Piper Seminole as the sun sets in the background.

(Wood County Airport, Bowling Green, Ohio)
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