Content about elephant

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Kirkja went back to mom every few minutes and "checked in," always bumping mom's leg with her head seemingly to let her know she's there. Kirkja is absolutely adorable and watching the two of them interact was fascinating.

tags: zoo elephant

photo posted by matt in Sunday, June 9, 2024

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Kirkja seemed to play with everything, even the dirt and her food. Here, she's tossing grass in the air after rolling around in the dirt for a few minutes.

tags: zoo elephant

photo posted by matt in Sunday, June 9, 2024

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Here I caught Kirkja on one of her jaunts away from mom. She always ran, never walked. Really it's sort of a fumbling prance...light on her feet but still a bit clumsy. She's clearly still getting used to the trunk, too, letting flop every which way as she moved about and tumbled over herself.

tags: zoo elephant

photo posted by matt in Sunday, June 9, 2024

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Kirkja ventured away from mom quite a bit, actually, but always seemed to head back to her side after exploring for a few minutes. Mom didn't appear to be too nervous about it, either.

tags: zoo elephant

photo posted by matt in Sunday, June 9, 2024

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The star of the show today, and really the reason we went, was Kirkja, the baby female elephant. We watched her for 15-20 minutes and she rarely stopped moving. She's adorable.

tags: zoo elephant

photo posted by matt in Sunday, June 9, 2024