Content about restaurant

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We were finally able to have dinner at Salt Rock Grill in Indian Shores tonight. It's one of our all time favorite restaurants, but it's been a few years since we've been there. Not surprisingly, Salt Rock reminded us of why it's a favorite for all of us. Phenomenal food, a great room and view, and a wonderful experience overall. Hopefully we'll be back again soon.

Here's a self portrait of sorts in the reflection of the glass-walled wine cellar just inside the front door of the restaurant.

tags: restaurant stpetebeach selfportrait

photo posted by matt in Tuesday, April 4, 2023

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Renee and I went to Cleveland today for her annual follow-up appointment. Lunch afterwards has become a tradition, and Burntwood Tavern in Lyndhurst is our go-to.

We panicked a bit when it didn't show up on the map right away but were eventually relieved to find the restaurant right where it's been for at least the last four years.

When the waiter asked for my drink order, it occurred to me that we hadn't been out to lunch in quite some time, global pandemic and all. "I'll have an Arnold Palmer." I haven't said that in a long time!

Lunch was great, and it was wonderful to reconnect with our tradition.

tags: lunch restaurant

photo posted by matt in Tuesday, April 6, 2021