October 7, 2020


Grounded Indivisibility

Worked from home today as I had planned to take Jake flying. Wind gusts kept him grounded, though. But hey, I wrote a poem!

It's a bit warmer today, which made our pre-dawn walk a bit more tolerable. A bit windy, though.

post published in /2020/10/07

Jake was supposed to fly this morning but the wind is a bit too much - grounded until later this week!

post published in /2020/10/07


Yet, hear we stand
Letting them divide us.
Left, right.
Black, white.
Rich, poor.
Some have realized the power derived from division.
The rest of us need to realize the power derived from unity.
Sure we have different views.
Different histories.
Different goals.
But all of us stand on common ground as Americans.
With a commitment to respectful debate and compromise.
That will bring us together.
That is indivisible.
article published in /2020/10/07
Daystream founder and dev
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