Good morning! Up and at it!
December 8, 2020
Teddy's first vet visit
‘Route out’ of pandemic: UK gives 1st COVID-19 vaccine doses (
V-day has arrived in Europe. The first "out of trial" vaccine recipient in the UK was Margaret Keenan, who turns 91 next week. The annals of trivia may pay more attention to the second recipient, though. His name is William Shakespeare.
US regulators post positive review of Pfizer vaccine data (
Meanwhile, in the United States, FDA published its preliminary analysis of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine two days ahead of the scheduled meeting of the review panel. Our V-day is coming.

Teddy was nervous during his first trip to the vet...hid behind me as much as possible. The vet tech and the vet were wonderful, of course, and made every effort to make him comfortable. He warmed up once they gave him treats!

Liquid cheese for the win. Who knew? The vet tech put a little liquid cheese on a stick and Teddy licked it right up. It put him at ease and he saw them as friends right away.
I wish I had photos of this, but I don't. So a post will have to do.
Preparing for Teddy's first visit to the vet, I realized I couldn't fit Teddy in the small carrier we have - he would not have been able to stand or turnaround if I had somehow managed to get him into it. So, he had to ride unrestrained in the car.
On the way to the vet, he was terrified. Shaking, and never left my lap. He faced me and even nuzzled up against my neck for most of the ride. Poor guy.
He was a bit more comfortable on the ride home, perhaps because he made friends with the vet and her tech, and perhaps because the shot he received made him a bit drowsy (not sure if it did or not). Anyways, on the way home, he curled up in the front seat and laid quietly and mostly still the entire way home. He was content, and no longer nervous.
We'll have to take him for another car ride soon to see which car personality sticks.