It's probably a little chilly for it, but Renee and I are enjoying our coffee in the backyard this morning...while Teddy surveys his yard.
tags: morning coffee spring dog teddy
photo posted by matt in Sunday, April 16, 2023
Teddy loves the sunsets, too.
tags: dog teddy stpetebeach sunset
photo posted by matt in Monday, April 3, 2023
Teddy loves the people watching from our balcony in St. Pete. He still barks quite a bit, but he does seem to have controlled it a bit more on this trip. Progress.
tags: dog teddy stpetebeach
photo posted by matt in Monday, April 3, 2023
Thirty seconds before this shot, the dog was wearing a pair of headphones. Two minutes before that, he climbed out of the door in front of the woman, shortly after landing. How fun that must be – flying with you dog!
tags: dog plane bonanza stpete albertwhitted
photo posted by matt in Sunday, April 2, 2023
Teddy has been great in the car again. He's quiet, but a little nervous this time, I think. He loves the walks when we stop to charge, and happily gets back in the car when we're ready to go. I don't think he fully relaxes in the car, but seems to do ok.
Here Renee is giving him a drink while we charge in Acworth, Georgia.
tags: tesla roadtrip travel dog
photo posted by matt in Monday, June 20, 2022
I've been relaxing at home with Teddy this morning, waiting for Renee to get back from Chicago.
photo posted by matt in Sunday, May 1, 2022
Teddy seems to get moving in the morning at about the same pace as I do. He's fine with getting up and at it quickly — goes from lying on his back in bed to patrolling and barking in the backyard in just a few minutes. After that burst of energy, though, he's pretty chill for the next hour or so. Maybe he needs coffee.
tags: dog
photo posted by matt in Monday, February 7, 2022
This is always a great start to the day — a little cuddle time with Teddy.
tags: dog pet labradoodle
photo posted by matt in Monday, January 31, 2022
We took Teddy to the pet store again tonight. He's still a bit of a crazy puppy, but he's getting better. He certainly loves walking through that place — so many smells!
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Renee and I might have stumbled upon an unexpected use for AirTags — training a dog to stop barking. Teddy is a constant barker when he's outside. He barks at everything — joggers, bikers, leaves, even the political sign out neighbor recently installed.
He escaped from the backyard a couple weeks ago. Luckily, he ran right to the front porch, but we thought it would make sense to put an AirTag in his collar so we could locate him if he ever got away from us.
Testing it out this morning, Renee hit the "Play Sound" feature, which makes the AirTag chime a bit to help you locate it when it's nearby you. With his AirTag chirping, Teddy immediately took notice, stopped in his tracks, and did the tilted head thing. Hmmmm. Maybe a simple ping to his AirTag will stop a barking episode? We'll see....
postposted by matt in Sunday, October 10, 2021
Teddy is slow to wake up in the mornings, which makes it the perfect time to hold him in my lap.
photo posted by matt in Monday, October 4, 2021
Back to the airport to pick Jake up from work. I've got a co-pilot for this trip.
tags: dog
photo posted by matt in Sunday, September 5, 2021
Rough morning for Teddy - he dropped his ball over the edge of the balcony!
photo posted by matt in Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Teddy graduated from introductory obedience class today. Of six dogs that started the class, three remained today—six weeks later. He made it! And he (and we) learned quite a bit in the process. Now we've got to keep at it. He starts the introductory class in a few weeks.
tags: dog puppy obedienceclass
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, June 15, 2021
We always get some crazy long shadows when we round the corner of the cemetery in our morning walk with Teddy.
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Teddy is bound and determined to be a lap dog despite his size. I love that.
tags: dog
photo posted by matt in Sunday, June 6, 2021
The roller coaster of Spring in the Midwest continues. We had 85 degrees and full sun today. It was actually quite hot! We took Teddy over the Debbie's house to play with Finn and Parker. Finn opted to stay behind on the porch most of the time, letting me capture this shot of him through the table.
tags: dog
photo posted by matt in Sunday, May 2, 2021
And once Jonathan leaves, he always looks to us, like "well, I'm waiting! Now you need to pay attention to me!"
tags: dog puppy labradoodle teddy
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Teddy can't resist jumping up on the couch when Jonathan is in the room. He knows Jonathan is always good for a belly rub!
tags: dog puppy labradoodle teddy
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Teddy has the shaking down, no doubt. Barking and biting, those are another story!
tags: dog puppy labradoodle teddy
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, April 20, 2021
I think I'm going to use Teddy to practice my focusing skills–tracking those eyes behind that hair is tough! Even the excellent Sony eye-tracking struggles to track them. Sometimes I wonder how he's not bumping into things as he's walking around.
tags: dog puppy labradoodle teddy
photo posted by matt in Sunday, April 18, 2021
And then a little time with Teddy as I take him to the vet (regular, not emergency) for what will hopefully be his last blood draw, bringing his Advil scare to an end.
photo posted by matt in Saturday, April 17, 2021
I think Teddy was as happy to see us as we were to see him. Missed this guy!
photo posted by matt in Thursday, April 15, 2021
COVID protocol had us waiting in the car for the tech to bring Teddy out to us. We had to wait a bit while they brought a couple new patients in from the lot, but it was worth it to see his little face in the door as they walked him out. So great to see him again! Poor guy has been through a lot these last few days.
photo posted by matt in Thursday, April 15, 2021
The folks at MedVet were wonderful. So happy we took Teddy there for this emergency!
photo posted by matt in Thursday, April 15, 2021
We got some great news tonight. Teddy's blood work is normal—we can pick him up tonight!
postposted by matt in Thursday, April 15, 2021
Lucy and Teddy have developed a game that, for a cat dealing with a new puppy in the house, we thought was fairly cute. Lucy is still cautious of Teddy, but they've started "playing together" in a simple way–Lucy knocks something off the table, and Teddy picks it up and plays with it. Harmless fun, so we thought.
Sometime this afternoon, Lucy knocked a bottle of Advil off the island and Teddy started playing with it. I'm sure it felt like a toy, all rattly and everything. He proceeded to chew the bottle, getting the lid off and even tearing a hole in it at the bottom.
We don't know how many pills were left in the bottle, but he got ahold of some of them. We found 17 on the floor, separate from the vomit. I think the bottle was near the end, so hopefully he didn't get many.
But, even a small dose of ibuprofen can be toxic to dogs (they can't clear it like we can). He vomited at least four times at home. We took him to the hospital, and they're now keeping him under observation, which means giving him charcoal to absorb anything that's left and pumping him full of fluids to protect the kidneys.
He's got a rough 48 hours ahead of him, but I think he'll be ok.
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, April 13, 2021
We went for ice cream after dinner tonight. Our usual (and favorite) Larry's was bit crowded, which gave us a little pause, so we opted for the less-crowded Sprinkles, which we haven't visited in probably over a decade.
Good ice cream and, bonus, they gave Teddy his own scoop–a vanilla pup cup! It was his first experience with ice cream. No surprise that he loved it; he even licked my cup clean after I was done.
Bringing Teddy on our trips down here might force us to rethink our ice cream routine a bit.
tags: stpetebeach ice cream dog
photo posted by matt in Friday, March 26, 2021
We took Teddy on a quick walk today as we were a little behind and it was actually hot outside. He and Renee did some window shopping along Gulf Boulevard.
tags: dog street stpetebeach
photo posted by matt in Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Teddy made some friends in the play area today—after checking each other out, they raced around the yard and wrestled a bit. He saw them from the balcony later...and sat and watched as they played.
tags: dog
photo posted by matt in Monday, March 22, 2021
Teddy seems to really like the patio. I think he likes hearing the birds. He barks a bit at passers-by, but I'm guessing that will wane as he gets more comfortable.
tags: dog
photo posted by matt in Monday, March 22, 2021
Its official—we've got a good traveler. Teddy has been wonderful in the car. In the hotel last night, he got a little restless as he heard some doors and the elevators, but settled in after that and slept through the night.
On the bed.
For the first time.
postposted by matt in Sunday, March 21, 2021
We were a bit worried that, after doing so well in the car all day, Teddy would have some energy to burn in the hotel room tonight. But, after a few walks in the yard out back, he zonked out right away.
photo posted by matt in Saturday, March 20, 2021
This road trip is different for a lot of reasons. For one, it's Teddy's first trip to Florida. He's really good in the car, but we weren't sure how he would do on "the drive." So far, so good. Five and and half hours into it and he hasn't made a peep.
tags: travel roadtrip dog labradoodle
photo posted by matt in Saturday, March 20, 2021
Running some errands with Teddy this morning. Tesla Dog Mode for the win.
photo posted by matt in Saturday, March 6, 2021
Is any puppy not a "morning puppy?" It's crazy - we wake up at about 6-6:30 every morning. Within five minutes of getting up, Teddy is ready to play fetch. Every day.
postposted by matt in Wednesday, February 24, 2021
I wish I had photos of this, but I don't. So a post will have to do.
Preparing for Teddy's first visit to the vet, I realized I couldn't fit Teddy in the small carrier we have - he would not have been able to stand or turnaround if I had somehow managed to get him into it. So, he had to ride unrestrained in the car.
On the way to the vet, he was terrified. Shaking, and never left my lap. He faced me and even nuzzled up against my neck for most of the ride. Poor guy.
He was a bit more comfortable on the ride home, perhaps because he made friends with the vet and her tech, and perhaps because the shot he received made him a bit drowsy (not sure if it did or not). Anyways, on the way home, he curled up in the front seat and laid quietly and mostly still the entire way home. He was content, and no longer nervous.
We'll have to take him for another car ride soon to see which car personality sticks.
postposted by matt in Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Teddy was nervous during his first trip to the vet...hid behind me as much as possible. The vet tech and the vet were wonderful, of course, and made every effort to make him comfortable. He warmed up once they gave him treats!
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Teddy slows down every morning right as my day is getting underway!
photo posted by matt in Thursday, December 3, 2020
Looks like we've got an official name for the puppy - Teddy!
postposted by matt in Saturday, November 28, 2020
He was exhausted after playing a few hours. Hopefully he'll sleep well tonight!
photo posted by matt in Monday, November 23, 2020
Turns out, the puppy matches the wood floors perfectly!
photo posted by matt in Monday, November 23, 2020
Renee held the puppy the entire ride home after we picked him up. He was definitely a bit nervous, but was super calm.
photo posted by matt in Monday, November 23, 2020