Good morning! Up and at it!
January 3, 2021
Browns in, Georgia Out

I found an old iPod of Jonathan's as I was going through our electronics graveyard. It still had copies of the Chip Trading and Daystream apps he created! Non-functional, but boy did this bring back some wonderful memories. And look how small that iPod is!
They're in! The Browns made the playoffs today, edging the Steelers in a game in which the rosters of both teams were impacted by COVID19. This marks the first time the Browns have made the playoffs since 2002 - eighteen years ago! And the best part - the wildcard game next week is a rematch of today's battle. Should do wonders for the rivalry!
Trump, on tape, presses Ga. official to 'find' him votes (
Georgia's Republican Secretary of State once again proves he's one of few in his party willing to stand up to Trump. Brad Raffensperger epitomizes 'Country over Party' when few Republicans barely resemble it.