February 19, 2021


Sundogs over Maumee

We asked two fundamental business questions for Daystream years ago:

Can we build a platform without running ads?

If we don't run ads, do we have to monetize the personal data of our users in some other way?

We answered "yes/no" back then, and today those answers guide our development of the platform.

"yes we can, no we won't" is behind every direction we take and every decision we make. This approach is what defines us and I couldn't be more proud of that as we watch other platforms answer both questions differently.

post published in /2021/02/19
Responsive image

So, the Eye of Sauron set its gaze on Maumee this morning.

photo published in /2021/02/19
Responsive image

Here's a better view of this morning's sun dogs over Maumee. Really an imposing and impressive sight.

photo published in /2021/02/19

Find some anger, Red Wings!

I think the Red Wings crossed a rubicon tonight. I think they're actually worse than they were last year, which is saying a lot. They've been competitive in most games so far, falling just short most of the time (most losses are single goal differences).

But, they also have some real stinkers, like tonight. Two minutes left as I'm writing this and they're down 7-2 to Florida. It's likely the worst performance of the season so far (a long way to go, even in this COVID-shortened season, mind you!). Truly embarrassing.

I keep waiting for the players to get mad, to fire themselves up a bit. But, it just never happens. They're uninspired and lost.

Find some anger boys!
article published in /2021/02/19
Daystream founder and dev
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