Content about nhl

This post-game interview with Paul Maurice is everything I love about sports. When the competition is over, it's about pure emotion, and he's not afraid to show it.

It's not what I thought it would be but it's so much better. But it's the hugs, man."

For me, Maurice is in the same category of coaches as Dan Campbell of the Lions in the NFL. His press conferences are pure gold, from a fan's point of view, and I bet he's a hell of a motivator in the locker room. Much like the Lions players for Campbell, I bet Panthers players would run (skate) through a brick wall for the guy.

[I]t's the hugs, man.

I absolutely love that quote, and the fact that he said it in the moments after winning the Stanley Cup. It applies to so much more than hockey. We had a family wedding on the night of Game 7. Indeed, several of us watched bits of the game on my phone during the reception. At the end of the evening, after eating and dancing for hours, and right before we headed out in our separate directions, it was all about the hugs, and it was great.

[I]t's the hugs, man.

That's now one of my all time favorite sports quotes. Thank you, coach.

tags: nhl hockey quotes

postposted by matt in Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Overall, the NHL playoffs have been great this year. The finals have been a bit lackluster, with Florida dominating, but Edmonton won Game 4 and is out to an early lead in Game 5. Florida has zero pressure to win tonight – they're at home with a 3 games to 1 lead. Win tonight, and they get the Cup in front on their own fans. If they lose tonight, a bit of pressure will creep in.

I'm pulling for Florida but I'd also like to see a Finals that reflects the fantastic nature of the playoffs up to this point. It's not likely, but I'd love to see Edmonton stretch this to six or seven games.

I don't want hockey to end yet.

tags: nhl hockey

postposted by matt in Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Hockey players are just built different. We’re watching the Bruins play the Blue Jackets, and a Bruins player just left the ice with a busted (literally!) lip. He returned to play rather quickly, after some stitch work. The broadcast showed a segment from the on-ice reporter a few minutes later, showing a gloved hand holding a chipped tooth that they had located on the ice. Apparently it was more than a busted lip!

tags: sports hockey nhl

postposted by matt in Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Responsive image

We headed into Boston after lunch for the Bruins game. The trip was interesting—we learned at the last minute that the red line was down for the weekend. They had a free bus shuttle running to take people to one of the main stops in Boston, which was great, but the traffic and number of people made it a bit of an adventure. We left quite early, but arrived right as the game was getting underway.

Bruins won 3-1.

tags: boston nhl bruins

photo posted by matt in Saturday, April 23, 2022

MLB in talks to launch nationwide streaming service for home games without cable TV (

MLB and NHL have made it nearly impossible to be a fan of your local teams in the streaming era. Since Hulu (our streaming provider) dropped the Sinclair (formerly Fox) regional sports networks, we've essentially been shut out of watching local broadcasts of the Indians (are they officially the Guardians yet?) and Red Wings. It's miserable. And while this article brings welcome news, it doesn't sound like a solution will be available anytime soon. We might have to re-up with cable for now. Ugh.

tags: sports mlb nhl

posted by matt in Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The 2021-2022 NHL season kicked off tonight with two games — Penguins v. Lightning and Golden Knights v. Kraken.

Yep, that's right, the Kraken has been released! Seattle is back on the board with the league's newest franchise. The expansion draft was quite friendly to them, too. Lots of talent there — should be fun to watch.

And watching hockey will be different this season, too! The NHL is no longer carrying streams inside its own app, farming that service out to ESPN+ this year. We'll see how that goes, but I'm certainly not optimistic that we'll be able to watch our local feed for all Red Wings games. And Hulu is no help, either, as apparently they have yet to re sign the regional sports networks.

Hockey is back, but so are my streaming frustrations.

tags: nhl redwings

postposted by matt in Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Well, I've never seen this in a hockey game before - the scoreboard at Little Ceaser's Arena is malfunctioning during tonight's Red Wings game against the Lightning. The buzzer is going off constantly, seemingly ever minute, on the minute. The refs stopped play when it happened the first time, but told the players to just ignore it after that. So, the buzzer's buzzing but the game continues. It's weird and funny at the same time. And, of course, this is all happening with only 750 fans in the stands because...pandemic

I'm betting someone is on the phone with customer support at Datroniks. We'll see if they get it figured out before the second period.

tags: hockey nhl redwings tblvdet

postposted by matt in Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Blue Jackets defeat Red Wings after Tortorella gets support from GM (

The Red Wings are miserable. Post game analysis focused on stories from Larry Murphy and Mickey Redmond about the apparently legendary hot dogs available at the Colisée de Québec, home of the old Quebec Nordiques. They were apparently square in cross-section, not circular. I watched every minute of the game and post game. Great tv, horrible hockey.

tags: redwings detvcbj nhl

posted by matt in Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Chicago Blackhawks - Detroit Red Wings - February 15th, 2021 (

The improvements are there, but aren't routinely resulting in wins. Yet. Let's keep it moving in the right direction, Red Wings.

tags: nhl hockey chivdet

posted by matt in Monday, February 15, 2021

Well, the Red Wings picked up right where they left off. Miserable performance, lost 3-0. Shots on goal tell the story - 43 to 14. Hard to wind a game when you don't shoot the puck. Game 1 has set the floor. Up from here.

tags: hockey nhl redwings carvdet

postposted by matt in Thursday, January 14, 2021