Busy day with thy boys today. First up, a fly-out with Jake to North Bass Island. Then, this evening, working with Jonathan over at grandma's house on his CNC machine.
August 7, 2021
First Time in Front

Flying toward Middle Bass Island in Lake Erie, on our way to North Bass Island, which is not yet in view.

The airport on North Bass Island is really just a runway with a grass ramp. And it sits right next to the Post Office for the island, which has been in operation since the 1800s.

We arrived right as the corn was coming off the grill. Perfect timing!

Jake and I got to exploring right after we ate lunch. It didn't take long to find some interesting stuff. We found this guy on the beach just a bit up the way.

The island is full of abandoned houses in various stages of decay. Most have been overtaken by brush and, while somewhat inviting, are really not safe for exploring.

Grapes are everywhere, too. The island has a rich vineyard history, and it's on full display nearly everywhere.

There's a small cemetery on the island, with maybe a 100+ tombstones in it, many of which bear the names of a small number of families–Fox, Wires, Siefield, etc. I hope to research things a bit later, but some quick Google searching after the trip today has already led me to some interesting stories. Take the sad story of Water F. Siefield and Ms. Nana Fox, for example. Mr. Siefield apparently died eight days after the couple was married on the island, from an accidental gun shot wound he suffered on their wedding night. Apparently a fellow islander accidentally discharged his gun during wedding-night celebrations.

The "driveway" of the rental cabin on the island.

More grapes!

Flying over South Bass Island on the way back to Fremont.
Well, phase two of today's activities has been cancelled–no work on the CNC machine tonight as Jonathan's 3d printer is on the fritz a bit. He's got a part coming in tomorrow so hopefully we'll be back at it soon.