November 5, 2021


Harvard Handshake

A beautiful day on campus with Jonathan, capped with an incredible hockey game between Harvard and Cornell.

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You can't see our faces, but I think this is one of my favorite photos of Jonathan and me. Renee snapped it, unbeknownst to us, while he and I sat on the steps at Widener Library. It looks so simple to other people I'm sure, but to me it somehow captures all of the pride and happiness I have for him. Maybe it's because that's exactly what I was feeling in that moment, and Renee caught it.

photo published in /2021/11/05
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Renee's Mary Tyler Moore moment on the steps of Harvard's Widener Library.

photo published in /2021/11/05
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It's been awhile since we've been able to watch a game with the boys, so the Harvard game was great just from that perspective. But what a game! Harvard is ranked 8th, Cornell 14th, and it's an intense rivalry. Both teams have some incredible talent, and the small, nay, intimate, arena intensified everything. This was one of the best hockey games I've seen in years.

photo published in /2021/11/05
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There's so much I love about hockey, but the post-game handshake line has to be near the top. While the NHL only does it at the end of a series, college players still line up at the end of every game and shake hands, just like the little kids playing pee wee. After beating the living daylights out of each other, each of these guys congratulated every opposing player and coach. It's such a hockey thing, and I love it.

photo published in /2021/11/05
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Our crew - Paige and Jake met up with us for the game. Paige even made it onto the Jumbotron, rep'ing the Crimson.

photo published in /2021/11/05
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Jonathan gave us a tour of campus, showing us most of the buildings where his classes are held. Harvard Yard, where he lived last year, is obviously a high point of every visit to campus. Touch the shoe? Sure, but the students will tell you why you might not want to do that.

photo published in /2021/11/05
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  • January 15, 2024


    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

  • January 15, 2024


    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

  • January 15, 2024


    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

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