January 29, 2022


Modern Government Cheese

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Jake and I did a little (not so serious) plane shopping after class. This 1963 Cessna 172 was beautiful on the outside, ok on the inside, and needs a new engine. Not for us.

photo published in /2022/01/29
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We received our government COVID tests today, nearly two years into the pandemic and probably a week or so after omicron peaked around here.

I'm thankful to have them, despite the snarkiness. I just wonder how things would have played out had we been sending these to people from the beginning, or at least closer to the beginning.

I'm also thankful because they made me think of my grandfather and his stories about "the government cheese" from back in his day. He actually liked it — apparently it made for a decent grilled cheese sandwich.

photo published in /2022/01/29
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