One benefit of our adjusted itinerary — we don't have to leave the house so early today. Our flight doesn't leave until the afternoon, so we slept in a bit, are now watching Sunday SportsCenter and generally taking it easy before leaving. Of course, that means we'll be settling into Aulani late tonight Hawaii time. Tomorrow, Eastern time.
March 20, 2022
Two Fingers and Legroom for Days

Jake's driving on the way to the airport. Yep, my role here is changing. I did still make sure the water heater was on vacation mode. So there's that.

I've shot this same photo of Jake several times over the years and it just never gets old. His fascination with all things aviation fascinates me, and just makes me incredibly proud. I'm a little jealous of him and his awareness—at seventeen—of something he loves so much. Lucky kid. Keep flying Jake.

A good book, two fingers of a decent bourbon (twice), and legroom—I now know what makes the perfect flight.
One weird coincidence that happened on today's flights because of the rebooking yesterday — on the flight from Detroit to Los Angeles, the three of us sat in the last row of the plane. On the flight from L.A. to Honolulu, we sat in the first row. That combination made for a unique experience for sure!
I love the Honolulu airport. It has this way of just gradually revealing the outside to you. You're casually walking through the hallways until you eventually realize that you're outside and have been for awhile. It's got a neat feel to it, and the transition is so subtle and understated it always catches me by surprise.
Greg and Debbie picked us up at the ground transport area, which was quite busy. This recording catches a couple minutes of that activity.