April 26, 2022


Under sinus pressure

I've been down for the count today. My twice-a-year sinus infection has set in, and this one is a doozy. Probably the most intense sinus pain I've ever had.

The physician's assistant at my doctor's office recommended a neti pot. I've never used one but I'm open to anything when sinus pressure sets in. So, I bought one and gave it a go.

My first attempt was somewhat comical, probably because I didn't intentionally breathe through my mouth during the pour. It went pretty smoothly once I figured that out.

Oh, and I also learned that warm water is key.

post published in /2022/04/26

I have a feeling it's going to be a long season for the Cleveland Guardians. There's been a few games worth watching during the first few weeks of this season, but a lot more that have been painful to watch. They're currently on a four game losing streak and, so far, tonight's game feels like it will add to that.

I don't think there's much chance of losing the claim to the longest World Series title drought this year.

I'll still watch, of course. Go Guardians!

post published in /2022/04/26
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