Content about health

Your attention span is shrinking, studies say. Here’s how to stay focused | CNN (

"To me, email is probably the worst because it's become a symbol of work," she said, adding that her research has found a direct correlation between email and more stress. "We cut off email for some workers in an organization for one workweek," she said. "Using heart rate monitors, we found that they became significantly less stressed and were able to focus significantly longer."

I remind myself daily that email is an application that can be closed. I don't have any personal data, but I can feel the drop in stress and increase in focus mentioned in that quote when my email app is closed. It's hard, but I'm trying to get to a point where I only check it three to four times a day.

tags: tech health

posted by matt in Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I've been down for the count today. My twice-a-year sinus infection has set in, and this one is a doozy. Probably the most intense sinus pain I've ever had.

The physician's assistant at my doctor's office recommended a neti pot. I've never used one but I'm open to anything when sinus pressure sets in. So, I bought one and gave it a go.

My first attempt was somewhat comical, probably because I didn't intentionally breathe through my mouth during the pour. It went pretty smoothly once I figured that out.

Oh, and I also learned that warm water is key.

tags: wellness health

postposted by matt in Tuesday, April 26, 2022

You can now add your COVID vaccine card to iPhone's Apple Wallet. Here's how to set it up (

Something tells me the postcard/sticker/hand writing system used in Toledo is incompatible with this new iOS feature. I'll have to keep a picture of my vaccine card in my favorites album on my iPhone.

tags: ios vaccine health tech

posted by matt in Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Comparison of SpO2 and heart rate values on Apple Watch and conventional commercial oximeters devices in patients with lung disease - Scientific Reports (

The impact of the Apple Watch and other wearables on health and health care is only beginning to be understood. "We observed strong positive correlations between the Apple Watch device and commercial oximeters when evaluating heart rate measurements...and oximetry measurements...."

tags: health apple tech

posted by matt in Thursday, September 23, 2021