This weekend should be quite an adventure. Renee and I are headed to Cambridge to move Jonathan out of his sophomore dorm room and into a temporary dorm he's able to use for a few weeks in exchange for helping with the graduation ceremony. And our niece is getting married in Western Massachusetts on Saturday. So, we're loading Jonathan up tomorrow, headed out to the wedding location, heading back to Cambridge on Sunday to unload him, and then heading home on Monday.
May 12, 2022
post published in /2022/05/12
Made it to Batavia for the night.
The Maps app threw us for a bit of a loop, directing us to the U.S. Border and Immigration Control facility based on the address for the hotel. The barbed wire fencing and lack of a Holiday Inn Express sign were decent indicators that something was awry.
We looped around the road a bit and eventually found it. Must be a new hotel, or they've reconfigured addresses on the road recently.
post published in /2022/05/12

Daystream founder and dev