May 30, 2022


Memorial Day 2022

I'm not a huge NBA fan, but I have been watching the playoffs with some heightened interest this year. I'm not sure why. The Finals should be fun to watch—something nice about seeing the Celtics back in it. I'm rooting for them.

post published in /2022/05/30
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Chilling with Teddy (and Renee) this morning on this Memorial Day. The weather is perfect—mid to high seventies with a slight breeze and clear skies. Let summer begin.

photo published in /2022/05/30
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What did we do over this Memorial Day weekend? Well, I spent most of my time making a mole hill of out of a mountain of mulch. I'm guessing I've got two cubic yards or so left to go, out of the twelve we had delivered.

I thought I could finish it over the long weekend. Nope. Missed it by that much.

photo published in /2022/05/30
Daystream founder and dev
About today's feature image

I took this photo in 2011 at a Memorial Day parade in downtown Toledo, Ohio. Jonathan's Boy Scout troop handed out flags as part of the parade and younger brother Jake was, of course, there to help. Here, I caught Renee handed a flag to a veteran as he and his wife sat on the sidewalk on the parade route.

(Toledo, Ohio)
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