June 12, 2022


No breakfast by the pool this morning. Jake has an early meeting with his flight instructor to go over a few final things before he takes the written test for his private private license. He worked late last night, and is still a little sleepy, so he asked me to drive him to the airport.

Yes, of course I will.

My role as a dad is changing. At 20 and 17, the boys are independent, for the most part, and don't need me for most of the things I've generally helped them with over the years.

I've really noticed this over the last several months. I'm not going to lie—it kind of sucks.

It doesn't bother me, though. It just sort of hits me in the moment when they're doing something on their own that used to require my help. I'm proud of both of them and their growing independence, of course. Pride is why this change in my role doesn't bother me. It also helps me appreciate it when they do ask for my help.

Jonathan asked me to tie his tie a few weeks back when we were in Boston for my niece's wedding. I loved that.

And now Jake wants me to drive him to the airport for a meeting with his flight instructor.

And I love that.

post published in /2022/06/12
Responsive image

I'd like a little clarity on the definition of "need." But that's just me.

photo published in /2022/06/12
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