Content about ohio

Lithium-free sodium batteries exit the lab and enter US production (

Sodium-ion tech has received heightened interest in recent years as a more reliable, potentially cheaper energy storage medium. While its energy density lags behind lithium-ion, advantages such as faster cycling, longer lifespan and safer, non-flammable end use have made sodium-ion an attractive alternative, especially for stationary uses like data center and EV charger backup storage.

This is going to be interesting to watch over the next few years and decades. Battery technology is having a moment, for obvious reasons, and the Midwest stands to benefit if interest in sodium-ion technology continues to grow. There's a giant salt mine in Cleveland that extends beneath Lake Erie and another under Detroit.

tags: science ev ohio michigan midwest

posted by matt in Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ohio Republican Bernie Moreno suspends Senate campaign (

Ohio Republican Senate candidates are embroiled in a "Trump off" before the upcoming primary. The commercials are disgusting and, frankly, should be embarrassing to Republican voters (do they really believe that two Senators can fire Dr. Fauci, as candidate Mike Gibbons and his out-of-state endorser Rand Paul suggest in a recent commercial?).

While I'm glad to see Moreno go, he won't be missed by anyone, unless Gibbons expands to fill the resulting void in airtime. His commercials have zero substance, and essentially amount to "I love Trump, and I played football in sixth grade, so vote for me." We may find ourselves wishing Moreno was still around.

tags: politics ohio

posted by matt in Monday, February 14, 2022

Jake and I drove down to Tiffin, Ohio this morning for his track meet. We took the back roads for the hour long drive, passing through three or four tiny towns, most of which consisted of a single intersection of two lane state highways, a few run down houses, and, usually, evidence of an abandoned storefront of some sort.

The politics of these tiny towns is on full display. It's not just pro-Trump (who is currently a non-candidate, ex-President) and anti-Biden. No, it's hatefully anti-Biden. "Joe and the Ho Must Go" kind of stuff (that's an actual, non-handwritten sign in a front yard that we passed).

Who does that? It's crazy to me that people who generally claim to be religious, "family value" type people can actively promote vitriol like that. It's not about policy, it's about hate and intimidation.

It's nuts.

And, I'm afraid, it's the real Ohio right now.

tags: politics ohio

postposted by matt in Sunday, February 13, 2022

Ohio Turnpike announces winners of first-ever ‘Name-A-Snowplow' contest (

Look at Ohio doing something fun and cool. I'm happy to see the obligatory Plowy McPlowface made the cut, but it's not my favorite. It's hard to beat Snowbi-Wan Kenobi.

tags: weather ohio

posted by matt in Saturday, January 22, 2022

Responsive image

I had a lot of time to kill while Jake was flying today. I wandered around a bit and finally set up shop in an open air hangar with a perfect view of the runway. It was cold, but what a gorgeous day.

tags: airport hangar ohio

photo posted by matt in Saturday, February 20, 2021

There's a time-honored tradition here in the Midwest of judging the snow-clearing performance of your city or town after a big storm. I certainly don't want to ignore tradition after this doozy of a storm! So, nice work Perrysburg. All major roads were clear early this morning and the plows made a first pass on our residential street as I was finishing the driveway at about 9 AM. This evening, they were focused on detail work, widening the streets a bit. Great job!

tags: weather snow ohio midwest

postposted by matt in Tuesday, February 16, 2021