August 28, 2022


Post Move Math and Baseball

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Renee and I are on our own this morning, so we headed to our favorite breakfast spot—Tatte. The line was out the door and seating was hard to come by, so we headed to our other favorite breakfast spot—Bluestone Lane.

photo published in /2022/08/28
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With the move completed, we went to Fenway Park to see the Red Sox play the Rays. It wasn't much of a game, with the Rays winning 12-4. They jumped to an early lead and the Sox struggled to catch up, particularly after the bullpen entered the game.

But, any day at the ballpark is a good day, and any day at Fenway is a great day.

We did get to see five (I think) home runs sail over the Green Monster, which was pretty cool. We also got to see a position player pitching, which I don't think I've seen in person before.

This photo is of Red Sox pitcher Nick Pivetta serving up the first pitch of the game to Rays third baseman Yandy Diaz.

photo published in /2022/08/28
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