June 4, 2023


Spitfire Graduation

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Seriously thinking about helping Jake buy this 1970 Triumph Spitfire as a project car.

photo published in /2023/06/04
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Jake's a tall guy…so I'm not sure a classic British car is a good physical fit for him. But, with top up, he claims he had plenty of leg and head room.

photo published in /2023/06/04
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Today was Jake's graduation ceremony, too. What a day! So proud of him and all he has accomplished…what a tremendous young man he has become.

photo published in /2023/06/04
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Jake had plenty of family cheering him on at the graduation ceremony! He even had cousins and his Aunt watching from afar via a livestream to YouTube.

photo published in /2023/06/04
Daystream founder and dev
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    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

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