September 2, 2023


Senior Moving Moment

Today was a real "where did the time go" kind of day. We moved Jonathan into the dorm to start his senior year. Nuts.

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It's moving day. Second moving day, actually. We' moved the stuff Jonathan had left at home into his dorm yesterday. Today we're moving the stuff from the apartment into the dorm. Shouldn't be too bad or take too long - I think his apartment stuff will fit in one car load, but we'll see. Two, tops.

Renee and I started the day with breakfast at Tatte in Harvard Square.

photo published in /2023/09/02
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All moved in! This was probably the easiest move yet. Jonathan has thinned his belongings a bit, and we're getting a little better at the process. Easy parking helped, too. All in all, the process was smooth and easy. He's ready to start his senior year.

He simplified the chalkboard this year, too, which really simplified things. We left the old one at home and bought four chalkboard panels at Home Depot. A few heavy duty command strips on the backside appear to hold everything just fine. He's going to let this first one sit for a few days to make sure, then will hang the others. He even tested the first one out right after hanging it, writing out the equation he worked to prove in his research over the summer.

One load for the apartment stuff, btw. We've got Renee's new Tesla Model Y, which is surprisingly spacious.

photo published in /2023/09/02
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We walked to dinner after getting Jonathan's room situated. We decided on Pinocchio's, his favorite pizza place (which is not Dave Portnoy's favorite, btw). We all love it, too, so we weren't upset when he requested it.

"Cash only tonight guys, credit card reader is down."

Luckily we had enough cash between us, and had a great dinner.

photo published in /2023/09/02
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