May 31, 2024


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First Perrysburg car show of the year. Jake took the Spitfire, and Renee, Jonathan, and I met him and his friends down there. They of course had a great turnout with many of the regulars, but also some cars I've never seen before.

This 1954 Kaiser Darrin was a highlight for me. Look at those lines! The headlight forms in the hood and the dip on the side remind me of the Spitfire lines. I wonder if the Darrin was a source of inspiration for the Triumph.

Denny, of course, had some great info on the Kaiser Company and its history in Toledo. It's fascinating, and he was spot on. Sounds like the Darrin was an early attempt to launch an American sports car to compete with the British cars coming into the country (which would include ancestors of the Spitfire). In its genesis, it was neck and neck with the Corvette.

Needless to say, the Darrin, and Kaiser, didn't survive. The Corvette, meanwhile, is thriving and, perhaps ironically, looking more like a European sports car lately.

photo published in /2024/05/31
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