This just never gets old for me. Welcome to Toledo, Lyulin.
photo posted by matt in Thursday, November 7, 2024
We said “so long” to the Federal Satsuki from the office today.
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, October 29, 2024
What a beautiful way to start a Monday morning! This is Navibulgar’s KOM as she departs Toledo with a full load, heading for Dublin, Ireland.
photo posted by matt in Monday, October 21, 2024
We stopped at a flea market in downtown Somerville on our way to dinner. The colors in this vintage Libbey glass packaging caught my eye.
tags: toledo
photo posted by matt in Sunday, September 1, 2024
Jonathan contemplated The Alchemist statue by Jaume Plensa a bit before we took photos in front of it. We had made the connection to Spiegel, the Plensa statue installed in front of the Toledo Museum of Art and were comparing and contrasting the two. Spiegel has two figures that are made from letters to symbolize a conversation, while The Alchemist is a solo figure made from numbers to reflect MIT's focus on STEM.
Toledo, MIT, two, one. It's a coincidence, of course, but it's tempting to assign some deeper meaning to it.
Regardless, I love both of these statues.
tags: mit toledo art statue plensa
photo posted by matt in Saturday, August 31, 2024
Welcome to Toledo, Algoma Bear! Shipping traffic seems to have been a little light so far this year. It was great to see the Bear come down the river today. Hopefully we'll see more ships in the coming weeks as Fall approaches.
photo posted by matt in Monday, July 22, 2024
I had a nice reminder today that we often fail to appreciate the things in our lives that have become common or routine. I had a video conference with an inventor early this morning. As we got underway, he asked "Is that the actual view from your office?". He said he assumed it was real because he saw cars driving over the bridge. I told him it was real and gave him a bit of a tour (he's not from around here), pointing to the Maumee River and the Martin Luther King bridge. I even told him about the ships that come and go and how fun it is to watch the bridge raise and lower as they head into Toledo.
It's a great view and I love it, but his question made me realize that I might be taking it for granted lately, maybe even forgetting about it. Not good. I need to appreciate it more.
photo posted by matt in Wednesday, June 12, 2024
First Perrysburg car show of the year. Jake took the Spitfire, and Renee, Jonathan, and I met him and his friends down there. They of course had a great turnout with many of the regulars, but also some cars I've never seen before.
This 1954 Kaiser Darrin was a highlight for me. Look at those lines! The headlight forms in the hood and the dip on the side remind me of the Spitfire lines. I wonder if the Darrin was a source of inspiration for the Triumph.
Denny, of course, had some great info on the Kaiser Company and its history in Toledo. It's fascinating, and he was spot on. Sounds like the Darrin was an early attempt to launch an American sports car to compete with the British cars coming into the country (which would include ancestors of the Spitfire). In its genesis, it was neck and neck with the Corvette.
Needless to say, the Darrin, and Kaiser, didn't survive. The Corvette, meanwhile, is thriving and, perhaps ironically, looking more like a European sports car lately.
photo posted by matt in Friday, May 31, 2024
We bought tickets at the last minute, so we didn't have great seats. We were stuck in the end section, which sort of reminded me of Block-O seats at Ohio Stadium, which I hated. Forget the audience participation, I just want to watch the game! These actually weren't that bad compared to Block-O...this banner was really the only thing the fans had to do, and they rolled that out during a time out. Nothing like the constant up and down and shuffling of placards that comes with a seat in Block-O at Ohio Stadium.
photo posted by matt in Saturday, May 18, 2024
We haven't made it to many Walleye games this year, which is too bad because they've had another great season. They're in the conference finals now, but might be outmatched. We went to game two tonight, and they just didn't have it. They're down in the series 0-2. Hard to see them coming back from this with only one more game in Toledo and the rest of the series in Kansas City.
photo posted by matt in Saturday, May 18, 2024
I saw the first ship of 2024 (for me, at least) heading into port today. Welcome to Toledo, Manitoulin!
photo posted by matt in Friday, May 3, 2024
Downtown Toledo is such a gem. Tonight had plenty of activity on a beautiful summer evening. People everywhere. We had an our dinner party at one restaurant and walked to another a few blocks away for a late drink. The Mud Hens were in town for a game earlier in the day, and Toledo hosted its Pride Parade earlier in the day. Toledo is a gem. Most people don't realize that.
I caught this view back into the building as we left the second restaurant. It made me think of how much I love downtown Toledo.
photo posted by matt in Saturday, August 19, 2023
Today was a long day, but a great one. After the trip to Columbus and back, Renee had her annual back to school party for faculty and staff. It's always a great event and gets us out in downtown Toledo, which is fun. Afterwards we stopped into our favorite restaurant, Registry Bistro, literally two minutes before they closed and asked the bartender if we could sit for just one round. She was wonderful, and obliged. So, we had a round with friends and had some wonderful conversation in the process.
I opted for a mixed drink - a "Mr. Howell" as it's known. Turns out rum and "blended scotch" is pretty ok, as our good friend Richard would say.
photo posted by matt in Saturday, August 19, 2023
The Cuyahoga arrived just this morning. She was moving fast, too, without tugs. And now she's leaving just a few short hours later. Wonder what that's about.
Anyways, shipping season appears to be in full gear.
tags: toledo maumeeriver ship
photo posted by matt in Monday, May 15, 2023
We've had a front row seat for the annual inspection of the Martin Luther King Bridge in Toledo over the last couple of days. Getting a drawbridge ready for shipping season apparently takes a lot of work. I haven't noticed anything go awry, so, presumably, the old bridge is ready for another busy season of comings and goings on the Maumee River.
tags: toledo mlkbridge bridge drawbridge
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, May 2, 2023
I'm looking out my office window at the MLK bridge over the Maumee River. It's cold and raining. Looks miserable outside. There's a bird perched on the bridge abutment, seemingly unbothered by the weather. She (he?) is huddled just enough under the bridge to stay dry, yet is still able to watch the rain falling on the river. It's just sitting there, watching the rain. Maybe it's enjoying the peacefulness of the scene as much as I am.
Great reminder that even on a gloomy day, there's still beauty to be found in the world around us.
tags: toledo
postposted by matt in Tuesday, April 25, 2023
I love my commute, both of them, actually (there and back). I greet the sun like this on many mornings.
tags: commute toledo perrysburg sunrise
photo posted by matt in Friday, October 14, 2022
Welcome to Toledo, Oakglen!
This is a new one for me—I've not seen the Oakglen pass through the Maumee River before. She's a relatively large ship, so it will likely be early next week before she heads in the other direction.
tags: toledo maumeeriver ship
photo posted by matt in Thursday, October 13, 2022
Having dinner with Jake at the Toledo Club tonight. This month's ZIPZ dinner has a middle eastern menu. Should be delicious!
tags: toledo dinner toledoclub
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, October 11, 2022
The river was full of activity today. This is the second ship to pass through the drawbridge. A barge and several small boats did as well.
tags: toledo maumeeriver
photo posted by matt in Monday, October 10, 2022
A view of the Maumee River from an office in One Maritime Plaza in downtown Toledo, Ohio. A computer monitor on a desk shows a livestream overlooking a street near Upham Beach in St. Pete Beach, Florida. (Matt Buchanan/Toledo, Ohio)
I love being greeted by the sunrise over the Maumee River when I get into the office in the morning. This morning was twice as nice as I was finally able to view the livestream from the condo on my computer—our patio camera there is slowly (and surprisingly) coming back to life after Hurricane Ian.
This is truly a great way to start a day…and a week. Happy Monday!
tags: sunrise toledo maumeeriver stpetebeach
photo posted by matt in Monday, October 10, 2022
Toledo Walleye goalie Billy Christopoulos skates onto the ice during team introductions before Game 2 of the ECHL Kelly Cup finals. (Matt Buchanan/Huntington Center, downtown Toledo, Ohio)
The best part of Game 2 of the Kelly Cup finals may indeed have been the introductions. This show never gets old.
tags: toledowalleye hockey echl toledo
photo posted by matt in Saturday, June 4, 2022
Looking at the label on the back, I believe that's my first copy of Dune (I've had several over the years). I bought it at my all time favorite bookstore — Thackeray's in Toledo — probably around 30 years ago.
Thackeray's is long gone and I miss it dearly. I used to love going there with my dad, and spent many a Sunday afternoon there later in life all by myself, perusing, reading, and buying books.
That book is worth way more than a quarter!
photo posted by matt in Sunday, May 29, 2022
We went to the Walleye game tonight—first game in the second round of the playoffs. They looked fairly good, maybe a little winded from just finishing a seven game series with Cincinnati. And I believe Wheeling was playing with a replacement goalie considering the goalie situation the Penguins, their NHL affiliate, have right now.
Walleye won 5-1. If last night's on-ice tension carries over, tonight's game could be quite interesting. We're not planning on going but will be watching.
Let's go Walleye!
photo posted by matt in Friday, May 6, 2022
Thanks to a friend, who shared this story with me as follow-up to my photo of the Toledo Blade Boulevard sign in Florida. It's not the backstory I expected, not even close. But it's interesting, and now I have the rest of the story.
posted by matt in Sunday, November 14, 2021
It's been a while since I've seen this sign. It's in Port Charlotte, Florida, which is south of Sarasota and north of Fort Myers. I haven't driven this way in quite some time. I remember seeing it years ago though and wanting to research it — why the heck is there a street named after the Toledo blade down here in Florida? Inquiring minds want to know.
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, November 9, 2021
"...when all the painting's done, it'll be the largest artwork of its kind in the country. It's called the Glass City River Wall."
This is a great story about a pretty cool thing happening in my hometown — a massive art installation that was born from a simple idea.
tags: toledo art mural glasscityriverwall
posted by matt in Sunday, October 24, 2021
Arrived to this wicked, post rain sunrise and sky over the river this morning. Great way to start the day!
photo posted by matt in Friday, October 8, 2021
This was a great way to start Friday, and to start the month of October. Ship traffic seems to have been relatively light this year, so I try to appreciate it every time one rolls through. Seeing the Federal Mosel leave port while drinking my coffee was truly enjoyable.
photo posted by matt in Friday, October 1, 2021
Amazon's presence in Toledo has increased dramatically over the last year since its arrival. Delivery vans and semi trucks everywhere. I wonder how many other cities are experiencing the same thing. Or will.
posted by matt in Wednesday, September 29, 2021
The bridge went up and I thought we'd be welcoming a ship into port this morning. No luck...just a barge heading out.
tags: toledo
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, September 21, 2021
The river was fairly calm when I got into the office this morning, and it was really nice outside. So, I dropped my backpack on my chair and went down to the docks right away to grab a few pics. I love this view looking through the MLK bridge (Cherry St. Bridge) at the High Level Bridge and Owens Corning headquarters. What a great way to start the month of June.
photo posted by matt in Tuesday, June 1, 2021
It's absolutely beautiful outside this morning. A little cold, but I'll take it. The midwestern gloom of February and March appears to be leaving, right on time.
photo posted by matt in Wednesday, March 17, 2021
We get excited about new restaurants in Toledo. Culver's just opened their first location in the area and, with essentially no hype machine as far as I've noticed, people are going a little crazy for it. We bailed on our first attempt a few days ago, after waiting in line for over 30 minutes with little progress. We tried again today and committed to sticking it out. After forty minutes, we just turned into the lot.
photo posted by matt in Sunday, February 28, 2021
Amazon built two new facilities in the Toledo area in the last year. The fulfillment center in Rossford is already online but the smaller delivery station in Toledo - pictured here - seems a bit stuck. Construction wrapped up a couple months ago and it has sat empty since then. I drive past it twice each day and rarely see more than two or three vehicles in the lot. I imagine there's quite a bit involved in bringing one of these into the fold of the delivery network, but it sort of feels like it should be operational by now.
photo posted by matt in Thursday, February 25, 2021
It is so good to be back in the office! I've really missed this view. The river is slowly starting to melt...should make for some interesting sights in the coming days.
tags: toledo
photo posted by matt in Wednesday, February 24, 2021