July 20, 2024


Some older democrats are in complete disbelief that others want Biden to drop out of the race. They apparently think that no right-minded dem could want the President to both take a bow and bow out. In the narrow view framed by their tunnel vision, the growing chorus of calls for Joe to say "thanks but not thanks" can be explained only by some nefarious actor or a series of actions guided by an invisible hand. It must be a vast left-wing conspiracy! Some even believe the mainstream media has manipulated party insiders into "taking control" of the situation to achieve a "total insider's route-around of the democratic process."

Conspiracies? Main Stream Media Manipulation?

This is perhaps the most boomer thing ever. By manufacturing far-fetched explanations for viewpoints that differ from theirs, these older folks are doing more than merely dismissing the viewpoints of younger people. They're ignoring us while also labeling us as wild-eyed and crazy. And not in a good way.

Here's what cannot be ignored: many younger people in the party, from my Gen X down, have wanted Biden to remove himself from the race since before it got underway. We've grown tired of defending his slips and gaffes, the blank stares and awkward pauses. In the early days, we found some comfort in his stutter because it was defensible and attacks on that were truly reprehensible. But those principled moments slowly became the exception and, somewhere around the midpoint of his term, many of us started lowering and shaking our heads and a palpable desire for a passing of the torch emerged. His penchant for the beloved Aviator sunglasses of our youth and embrace of the Dark Brandon moniker and persona helped, but we always knew those were sugar highs and that the inevitable crash would soon follow.

This dismissive baby boomer attitude toward Gen X is nothing new. In the 80s, when many of us were in our teens, boomers in every aspect of our lives - parents, teachers, principals, coaches - constantly labeled us as selfish and self-centered. They were quick to scold us with "the world doesn't revolve around you" and were always ready to disdainfully ask us "do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?". And our attitude, well, they always seemed to be sick and tired of it. I even have memories of them trying to label us as "the true me generation." I never understood the inclusion of 'true' in that label. Turns out, they were gaslighting us.

It certainly took us awhile, and probably too long, but I think Gen X is finally tired of the disrespect boomers have shown us for decades. Our views are different than yours, boomers. It's time for you to acknowledge that and get over it. Indeed, just as it's time for Joe to take a victory lap and start cheering from the sidelines, it's time for your entire generation to hand over the keys and get into the back seat. If the narcissism that defines your generation (and not mine) prevents you from doing that, feel free to continue offering conspiracy theories and attacking the media to explain things. We can always drop you off at the next corner.

And, by the way, we're tired of your "democracy will die" scare tactics, too. Your prophecies of doom are nothing more than a lazy grasp for partisan advantage. Despite the sky-is-falling characterizations that flow from boomers on both sides of the aisle, "[o]ur democracy is doing just fine" and that will continue no matter who wins in November.

post published in /2024/07/20
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Marketing people are evil geniuses.

"This salmon was caught months ago...but we cut it this morning."

photo published in /2024/07/20
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