Up and at it early this morning. We're headed to Boston to visit Jonathan, and have a 7AM flight. Leaving for the airport in a few minutes.
November 1, 2024
Fenway Park under Fair Sun

Joanthan had class until the afternoon, so Renee and I had some time to kill upon arriving in Boston. We decided to head over the Fenway Park and take the tour. We've been to several games there, but have never taken the official tour. Not surprisingly, we had a full group (probably 50-70 people) and the tour was fantastic.

We made our way to the top of the Green Monster - the monstah!. Looks like a great place to watch a game, although I bet the sun is brutal at times. I caught it here right on the foul line. Looks fair to me!

Iconic signage on the press box.

Renee and I have now toured Wrigley and Fenway together, on our own. Both were great days. As far as the park go, Wrigley is no Fenway.

We even had access to the press box. What a view!

Our tour guide was a spry 76 year-old who hated the Yankees as much as he loved the Red Sox. He had two World Series rings on and was proud to tell us — “I’ve been a full time employee for years…when they win, I win.”
I'd wear them to work, too.

We met Jonathan on campus at MIT and then headed to Harvard Square to meet his girlfriend. It was unseasonably warm, so we didn't mind hanging out in the Square for a bit. This photo is right outside the Coop.
After that we headed to the Harvard v. Dartmouth hockey game. Harvard dominated the game after the first 15 minutes or so, but the Dartmouth goalie was absolutely tremendous. The two goals scored by the Big Green in those first 15 minutes were enough thanks to his heroics. Harvard lost 2-1.

About today's feature image
There are so many things to love about Fenway Park. The colors always strike me - the blue, red, and green are absolutely iconic.
(Fenway Park, Boston, Massachusetts)