Content about entertainment

Adventure Time is coming back with a movie and two spinoff series (

It looks like there’s something here for everyone. The movie should please adults who grew up on the show. Side Quests is for kids, like the original Adventure Time was at first, and Heyo BMO is for preschool-aged children.

They forgot to list parents of adults who grew up on the show. Renee and I are in that category – Jake always loved Adventure Time. I'd definitely go see the movie.

tags: entertainment

posted by matt in Wednesday, June 12, 2024

We watched Beverly Hills Cop last night with Jonathan and Renee’s parents. I remember that being one of the first (or at least one of the earliest) VHS tapes my parents bought for our new-fangled VCR when I was a kid. What a great movie. And it’s still great. Eddie Murphy is just naturally funny and engaging on screen.

As the movie ended, though, I also thought that it felt more like an episode than a movie. It’s action-packed, no doubt, but its density pales in comparison to the content of a modern marquee film. And, thinking about streaming series on Netflix and such, it feels like an episode, or more likely two, of a one or two season show.

It really gave me a reminder of how different today’s media is from that of my childhood. Despite that, though, there’s no looking down on that movie. It’s still wonderful.

tags: entertainment

postposted by matt in Tuesday, January 9, 2024