The OLED screen on my new iPad can show black as so black that I can't see the links in some apps...they need to rethink their color schemes. This screen is impressive!
June 12, 2024
S'more Chestnut, Less Cybertruck please

I had a nice reminder today that we often fail to appreciate the things in our lives that have become common or routine. I had a video conference with an inventor early this morning. As we got underway, he asked "Is that the actual view from your office?". He said he assumed it was real because he saw cars driving over the bridge. I told him it was real and gave him a bit of a tour (he's not from around here), pointing to the Maumee River and the Martin Luther King bridge. I even told him about the ships that come and go and how fun it is to watch the bridge raise and lower as they head into Toledo.
It's a great view and I love it, but his question made me realize that I might be taking it for granted lately, maybe even forgetting about it. Not good. I need to appreciate it more.
Adventure Time is coming back with a movie and two spinoff series (
It looks like there’s something here for everyone. The movie should please adults who grew up on the show. Side Quests is for kids, like the original Adventure Time was at first, and Heyo BMO is for preschool-aged children.
They forgot to list parents of adults who grew up on the show. Renee and I are in that category – Jake always loved Adventure Time. I'd definitely go see the movie.
I saw a Cybertruck on the way to work this morning. In Perrysburg. Ohio.
That has to be the peak of that ridiculous thing. Right?
Joey Chestnut Pushed Out of July 4 Hot Dog Competition Over Vegan Dog Sponsorship (
Again, everyone already understands the annual hot dog eating competition is just an advertisement for Nathan’s....
Never, ever forget that Major League Eating was founded on the heels of a successful PR campaign to increase the exposure of the Nathan's contest. And the Shea brothers, the founders of Major League Eating, "started their own (PR) firm...and...took the Nathan's account with them." Oh, and George Shea's wife "is a writer for WWE and a former soap opera producer."
These folks are masters of promotion and publicity.
Chestnut will be back, likely on the eve of the contest. You can almost feel it.
What's the angle, though? Just more attention for Nathan's, in the few weeks before the contest on the Fourth of July?
Maybe the Shea brothers are working to promote Impossible Foods, which makes the vegan dog they currently, apparently, view as a conflict of interest. Maybe they resolve the "conflict" in a couple weeks with some manufactured resolution that vegan dogs don't compete with actual hot dogs, that the two can, in fact, co-exist. I can see the commercials now.
Maybe? Maybe.
Whatever the angle, it's PR gold for everyone involved – Nathan's, the contest, Impossible Foods, and, lest we forget, Joey Chestnut.
And I'm here for all of it.

We had s'mores in the backyard tonight, a perk of having the boys home for the summer.
Jerry West, One of Basketball’s Greatest Players, Dies at 86 (
RIP Jerry "logo" West.