Content about kitty

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Our outdoor Kitty has developed the slightest modicum of trust for us — he started eating his breakfast this morning even as I sat on the garage step just a few feet from him. I had to coax him him out from under Renee's car, which took awhile, but eventually his hunger surpassed his fear and he slinked his way to the plate and started to eat. Here's hoping we can build on this!

tags: feralcat kitty

photo posted by matt in Monday, November 1, 2021

Kitty came back for seconds tonight. He's never done that before. So, good news is he's comfortable entering the garage again; bad news is he's more hungry that usual.

And, yes, we just call him 'Kitty.'

tags: feralcat kitty

postposted by matt in Tuesday, March 2, 2021

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Our feral cat returned tonight. We trapped him in the garage last week to give him shelter from the extreme cold and snow. He wasn't happy about it - stayed away for a few days. But, he was back early this morning and again tonight. I guess he's done being mad at us for giving him shelter, a warm bed (in the wooden house in the pic), and food and water.

tags: cat feralcat kitty

photo posted by matt in Tuesday, March 2, 2021