We needed some cat food (for outside kitty!) tonight, and decided to take Teddy to the pet store. We didn't know what to expect, but he actually did really well. So he got a new toy as a reward.
photo posted by matt in Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Today marked the first time we went to Costco since the mask mandate was lifted on June 2nd. Renee and I both decided to go maskless—we've said "follow the science" through this whole thing, and post-vaccination should probably be the culmination of that. It was weird at first, almost felt like we forgot something. It didn't take long to get used to it though. Not many other people were wearing a mask, either (I'd day less than 10% of shoppers).
tags: covid19 shopping vaccine
photo posted by matt in Sunday, June 6, 2021
...and just look old times, I had to back to Home Depot a second time today! Some things never change, I guess.
postposted by matt in Sunday, February 21, 2021
I went to Home Depot today and it was glorious. I hadn't been inside the store for probably ten months. Weird experience, but it felt great just to walk around inside and interacting with workers (thanks for the help!).
postposted by matt in Sunday, February 21, 2021