October 15, 2020


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It's cold and drizzling today, with no let up in sight and the temperature is set to drop over the course of the day. Fall is indeed here and it feels like Winter is already knocking on the door!

tags: weather

photo published in /2020/10/15

Lucas county just flipped red again on the COVID dashboard. Ugh....

tags: covid

post published in /2020/10/15

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We've been feeding a feral cat for weeks. As the weather gets colder, we're worrying about where he'll find shelter for the winter. Over the last week or so we've lured him into the garage for dinner. Tonight we set out a box with a towel and lined a path with treats, hoping to show him the way to a comfortable and warm bed. He ate the treats and investigated the box, but didn't stay. We'll keep trying.

tags: feralcatanimal

photo published in /2020/10/15