February 18, 2021


Roving Mars, Again

Responsive image

Dark Sky seems to be a bit out of whack. Apparently we're going to get 16-26 inches of snow today...while there's only a single hour that has a significant probability for precipitation (and even that's less than 50%). I've noticed this happen several times during the recent snow storm that crossed the country. They still can't beat the local weatherman during storms!

photo published in /2021/02/18

I've been experimenting with displaying images for links on Daystream. I though they would provide meaningful information alongside the title and any lede that the user adds. It was fairly easy to code, so I didn't think much of it.

After seeing them for a few days, though, I have to say I'm not a fan. I don't think they add much as far as context goes, especially when you consider we've got no control over the actual image associated with the link. They increase load time, too.

And, perhaps most importantly, the lessen the visual impact of images added by the user. Visually, these images should be the most prominent content on any given journal, not uncontrolled images associated with links shared by the user.

So, the experiment is over - images will no longer be displayed for links on Daystream.

post published in /2021/02/18
Daystream founder and dev
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    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

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    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

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    We were right in the path for this once in a lifetime experience! What a day.

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