March 22, 2021


Closed for Rapair

Datelining this post made me realize—it's the first post I've datelined from St. Pete Beach in nearly a year and a half. Man I've missed this place.

post published in /2021/03/22
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Teddy seems to really like the patio. I think he likes hearing the birds. He barks a bit at passers-by, but I'm guessing that will wane as he gets more comfortable.

photo published in /2021/03/22

I think Teddy likes the sounds of a morning on the beach as much as I do. He sat still on the patio as I recorded this, not making a sound until the very end (the birds eventually proved too tempting!).

audio published in /2021/03/22
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Looks like we'll have to wait a few more days for the hot tub. Pool's nice, though!

photo published in /2021/03/22
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Teddy made some friends in the play area today—after checking each other out, they raced around the yard and wrestled a bit. He saw them from the balcony later...and sat and watched as they played.

photo published in /2021/03/22
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