Good morning! Up and at it!
October 1, 2021
Merck to seek emergency authorization for oral Covid treatment after ‘compelling results’ in trials (
I haven't reviewed the data yet, but this is an important step in filling out the arsenal against COVID. I've been following molnopiravir from the beginning. The trick will be to get it into pharmacies AND to get the word out...people need to know about it, seek it as soon as they develop symptoms, and be able to get it once they do. And, all of that needs to be balanced against the risk that it's widespread availability may give some people further internal support for their decision to not get vaccinated.

This was a great way to start Friday, and to start the month of October. Ship traffic seems to have been relatively light this year, so I try to appreciate it every time one rolls through. Seeing the Federal Mosel leave port while drinking my coffee was truly enjoyable.