Sunrise, two hours or so into our drive home. So long, St. Pete. See you soon.
June 26, 2022
Homeward Bound
Sunrise, two hours or so into our drive home. So long, St. Pete. See you soon.
First stop, Alachua, Florida.
Teddy loves our charging stops.
Tifton, Georgia for our next charging stop. A very friendly Starbucks employee insisted Teddy have a pup cup while we waited. A cup full of whipped cream, what's not to love?
Our stop in McDonough, Georgia included a detour to the supercharger. Construction had the overpass blocked, so we had to drive 10 minutes out of the way or so to circle back to the station, which created a dilemma - follow the detour or go to the next station, 30 miles away? We circled back.
Chattanooga, Tennessee. First time I've entered a supercharger lot to find no empty spaces. I'm sure that will become more frequent in the (near?) future. It really wasn't a big deal—a charger opened after just a few minutes. So now we're happily sitting at the Chattanooga airport watching planes come and go as we charge.
And it's raining, too.
It's been awhile since I've seen the approach to Cincinnati on I-75 North. It's one of my favorite stretches of highway, with the way it wraps around a hill to reveal the Cincy skyline, gradually descending to the Ohio River and the double decker bridge that crosses it. It's beautiful, particularly at night.