April 21, 2023


Dinner Lobby Jazz

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Renee and I had some quality time with Jake tonight, which was wonderful. He flew earlier in the day, working on some instrument flying. So proud of him!

photo published in /2023/04/21

Jake and I sat in the lobby for a few minutes after dinner. The Red Room–off one side of the lobby–was packed for a live jazz performance while the Centennial–off the opposite side of the lobby–was empty, but staged for a wedding (tomorrow, I'm sure). We essentially had the lobby to ourselves (one guy sat across from us, waiting for his wife, and a couple people spilled out of the Red Room). The lobby picture posted today captures the scene visually.
Neat moment, and some great live jazz.

post published in /2023/04/21
Daystream founder and dev
About today's feature image

The Toledo Club building on Madison Avenue and 14th Street in Downtown Toledo as it appeared around 1915. The photo is in the public domain and is available here

(Toledo, Ohio)
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