May 21, 2023


Tijuana Bagpipes and Butterflies

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Time to open the pool! I was pleasantly surprised to find relatively clear water when I peeled back the pool cover today. Looks like we're in relatively decent shape. A few gallons of shock, a few bags of salt, and a decent sweeping should have the water ready for swimming.

photo published in /2023/05/21
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The four of us went to dinner at Inside the Five in Perrysburg tonight, after Jake's shift there. It's rare we get to eat out together like that, so it was really nice to just sit around the table and talk. I had a Tijuana Bagpipes, which Inside describes as a "Cinnamon and Coffee Scottish Ale." I had no trouble putting it down, but probably won't order it again.

photo published in /2023/05/21
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