May 31, 2023


Family S'mores

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Its good to be back home after our weekend trip to Boston. Teddy and I are enjoying a beautiful morning by the pool.

photo published in /2023/05/31

Back to the old routine for meals...and it makes me appreciate what we have here in town. Balance for dinner tonight, which is a local gem. Love everything about this place - the food, the vibe, the people. Balance is a long-standing client of ours, too — one of those clients that you just absolutely love working with.

It's good to be home.

post published in /2023/05/31
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What a great way to end a day — all four of us together, having s'mores over the fire in the backyard. We don't get to do this very often these days with Jonathan off at school (and Jake heading out in the Fall), so I really appreciate moments like this lately. We talked and talked and talked, long after the first time Renee said "we should probably head in."

photo published in /2023/05/31
Daystream founder and dev
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